Dear Sun…..

Dear Sun,
Oh! See….
See the tender buds,
all shriveled and burnt….
like the little girls… in womb, aborted !!
See…. the young blossoms,
wilted they fall,
no one wants them….
like the innocent daughters….raped!!
marked for life….!!
See…..the cracked parched earth,
turning into barren sand…..
like the bride, for dowry abandoned!!
Yes, the erring human has turned into a demon…
raping, killing,burning….
on a rampage, without any reason..
But You…. you are the God !
you breathe life into a dying soul…
dissipator of gloom, the God of energy!
Then why…. why this scorching rage?
Why the fiery gaze?
Why have you forsaken …
Your own creation?
O!! Lord Sun to thee I implore…..
diminish your fire….
let the earth respire…
Vanquish the demons…
On innocent, spare  your ire…
‘Coz we can bear no more, oh no more!!
Mercy O lord, Mercy,mercy…..

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.