Hope Unites Globally: HUG Award

Numerous predictions and speculations have been made about the fate of world. Some say the world will end in 2012….. Will it? I HOPE not because there is so much left to achieve….

Each one of us has so many dreams for ourselves and for our kids…..Its hope which gives us strength to face the numerous challenges that life throws at us. World today is divided over religion, color, beliefs, territory, caste, financial status and what not. The only thing that is common in people world over is Hope. Hope to have love, success, fame, happiness and peace. Yes, Hope does unite all of us globally!!

I have hopes to provide a secure and happy future for my daughter, to grow old and walk hand in hand with my beloved husband, to look after the needs of my aging parents and of course to be read and appreciated!!


Thanks to Connie Wayne ( http://ahopefortoday.com) and the Island Traveler( http://thismansjourney.net ) who generously gifted this award to me and made my hopes of being read and appreciated a reality. Such appreciation inspires people to spread love and hope to others too….

So, what exactly is this HUG award?


This award is for all those who desire to spread Hopes for Love, Freedom, Peace, Equality, Unity, Joy, Happiness, Compassion, Mercy, Faith, Wholeness,Wellness, Prosperity and Oneness through their words or actions.

And the rules that go with the nominations:

1.  If you receive a HUG Award©, you may nominate others who also meet the guidelines for the award.

2.  Nominees may only receive the HUG Award© one time.

3.  You may nominate as many people, websites, or blogs as you want to nominate to receive the award.

4. Upon receipt of the award, you nominate at least one other person.  The award is also not time limited, so you can nominate new people or sites you encounter in the future.

5. You contact your nominees and tell them that you have nominated them for the  HUG Award©.  AND…

6.  Please link this page:  When you contact your nominees for the award, please include a link to this page,http://ahopefortoday.com/2012/01/14/hope-unites-globally-hug-award-guidelines/so they will have the same information you received about the award.  Then, they also can perpetuate the award by nominating others.  AND…

7.  Please post a comment on this page athttp://ahopefortoday.com/2012/01/14/hope-unites-globally-hug-award-guidelines/ 

8.  You may print a copy of the HUG Award© Guidelines for people you nominate, who do not have a website, blog, or social media account to which they can paste award and Guidelines.  If they have email, you may email them a copy of the original HUG Award© and original Hug Award©Guidelines.

Please visit http://ahopefortoday.com/2012/01/14/hope-unites-globally-hug-award-guidelines/ for more details.

And for those who receive this award; keep up the good word! Thanks for making this world a better place and keeping HOPE afloat! My hugs go to:






and many more but the Island Traveler( http://thismansjourney.net/)has given almost the same list!I would like to agree with him there and give a hug back. Thanks!!

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7 thoughts on “Hope Unites Globally: HUG Award

  1. Thank you so much for this award… Hope I am deserving enough. I do hope for a lot and I really think while there is breath then there is hope. Thank you for choosing me this day. Mezza


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